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Paid To Click In Scam
Paid To Click In Is Scam The Admin Is An Cheater!!!

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EasyHits4U.com - Your Free Traffic Exchange - 1:1 Exchange Ratio, Business social network. FREE Advertising!


Como Gano Visitas

* To gain visits you must access Earnigs Area. There is the Clix Exchange option.
* Look at the ads, wait for the counter to finish and click on the correct figure.
* This system is used in all types of ads.
* Every so many ads resolves the captcha (anti-cheat). They are very simple additions and multiplications.
* For each site you see, you receive a certain number of exchange points. Only for exchange.
* Another way is to see the Paid to Click Ads points. you can use these points to buy ads.
* You can also use the balance of your balance in $ to buy advertising.

* Para ganar visitas has de acceder a Earnigs Area. Ahi se encuentra la opcion de Clix Exchange.
* Mira los anuncios, espera a que termine el contador y pulsa sobre la figura correcta.
* Este sistema se utiliza en todos los tipos de anuncios.
* Cada tantos anuncios resuelve el captcha (anti-cheat). Son unas sumas y multiplicaciones muy sencillas.
* Por cada sitio que ves recibes una cantidad determinada de puntos de intercambio. Solo para intercambio.
* Otra forma es ver los Paid to Click Ads de puntos. Esos puntos luego los puedes utilizar para comprar anuncios.
* Tambien puedes utilizar el saldo de tu balance en $ para comprar publicidad.

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Site Stats

Members 1,284
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Hits Today 1,234
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Payouts Made 134
Total Paid $645.00

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