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News And Announcements

December 2019 Payouts Jan 04, 2020

Las payouts from december 2019 done. Beguin a new year of earnings.

Only the Upgraded Members can Withdraw. Jan 04, 2020

In tnis site :Only the Upgraded Members can Withdraw. I have seen withdrawal requests from free users that I have canceled. In order to withdraw you need the upgrade. With your balance as a free user you can buy advertising packages. No memberships Relampagoptc- The Admin

September 2019 Payouts Oct 29, 2019

The payouts from september are done. This site paying from May of the year 2018 at your Upgraded Members.

Last Payments Done August 2019 Aug 27, 2019

I have just completed all pending payments for August. Upgraded users can check their Paypal account. See it in Payment Proofs.

Payouts July 2019 done Jul 09, 2019

The last payouts for the upgraded members done. Remember need purchase some membership upgrade to cashout.

Last Payments Done Apr 06, 2019

All the last payments done for the upgraded members.

After checking. Sep 08, 2018

I had been very confident when I saw that the earnings area could be accessed. In fact I had managed to see the full PTC and PTR ads. But again errors appear in the database. The web continues to be hosted on the old server. It seemed that everything had worked again, but it was a mirage. Anyway I have hired a new server and upload a copy of the Cpanel ready to change the DNS. Since I thought everything was correct, I did not want to change the DNS until after the weekend. After so many days of inactivity, we all take a break and recover some time. But if in the end it is going to give problems for the normal activity of the site, it is better to change the new server once and for all. When changing the DNS takes from 4 to 24 hours to spread, during that time it will not be possible to access the site. In the case of accessing do nothing since it will not be reflected in the database. Please do not make any changes in this time until further notice. I'm as tired of this as you are. Thank you

Compensation to Upgraded Members Sep 06, 2018

Compensation to Upgraded Members I have raised the balance of the upgraded members by $ 0.50 for the days that the website has been down or out of service. I hope to compensate with that the wait and the days of inactivity for those who have paid memberships. I hope this does not happen again in a long time.

Problem Solved Sep 06, 2018

At last the problem has been solved to access the ad zone and visualize them. In the end Maderite has failed me, they still do not answer. But the one that has fulfilled is the current server. You have solved the problem with the database. I just entered and displayed all the ads. So already everyone should be able to do it. Refresh the page several times with F5 and clear cache. Anyway, I do not trust myself too much and I keep hiring the server with Maderite if necessary. I have already paid a month. But if in the current server it continues working correctly I do not change it anymore. For the time being, I've had some very complicated times with the servers around the clock. I think that just like you now a season of tranquility and stability for all is well. Reset the users upgraded the losses and recover the PTC and improve it. I look forward to a relaunch and changes. But it takes a few weeks of tranquility first.


PAYOUTS FOR FREE MEMBERS DISABLED FREE MEMBERS EARN FREE ADVERTISING UPGRADED MEMBERS CAN WITHDRAW YOUR BALANCE! We have to decide between this or close. Always better to continue with a new system. Payments to free users are not sustainable. Free users can earn balance to buy advertising or pay their membership. The upgraded users can withdraw their winnings. At least temporarily until the balance between payments and revenues improves. Free members can receive payments from Clixwall and CPA Wall.

ClixWall Active in LightningClicks Jun 28, 2018

Now Clixwall is active at LightningClicks another new option to earn more every day. It is for use, it is not decorative

Payouts by Skrill May 31, 2018

To compensate, we are forced to raise the minimum withdrawal by Paypal to $ 4 for upgraded users and $ 5 for free. We have added Skrill as a payment gateway. Users upgraded to $ 2 and free to $ 3. We will continue to add new payment gateways, as new funds enter each one.

Paid Emails Temporarily Disabled May 23, 2018

We are having problems with paid emails. Some are coming bounced from existing and real post. It's very strange, but the inbox of bounced email notifications fills us up. What has led us to temporarily disable paid emails until we see how to fix it. Thanks for understanding.

Warning About New Revshare Memberships May 10, 2018

This membership is not cumulative. That is to say, if you have an active one, wait for it to run out first before buying it. Since if you have not yet exhausted it, it cancels the previous one. You lose the days that you still have left. Not the credits added upon joining, those nobody takes them away, but the rest of the benefits. If you received credits on a monthly or weekly basis, the shipment is cut off when you change to the new membership. Take it into account when buying and wait to exhaust the previous one.

Revshare Membership May 07, 2018

We have created special memberships for investors who want to generate income without spending time watching ads. They prefer to invest and collect their benefits fulfilled the time of maturation. They offer a monthly benefit of 20%, invest a dollar and at the end of the month you receive $ 1.20. At the moment we have created a test to see how it works. With guarantee of return if something does not work.
We will experiment with different memberships of different prices, both percent of profit and time of maturation. For all tastes and pockets. From the user who wants to try another new form of income, to veteran investors who prefer to work their money. It is in beta test phase, if it is successful and it works correctly it will be established permanently.

First Payment Proof May 03, 2018

You can see it in the forum on Offtopic. I still had not enabled the specific forum for the vouchers. From now on upload them to the forum enabled for that purpose and of that same name. ***** Lo podeis ver en el foro en Offtopic. Todavia no tenia habilitado el foro especifico para los comprobantes. De ahora en adelante subirlos al foro habilitado con ese fin y de ese mismo nombre.

New payments proof forum May 03, 2018

We have created a forum for you to upload your payment vouchers. ***** Hemos creado un foro para que podáis subir vuestros comprobantes de pago.

Lower Cash Out Apr 30, 2018

We lower the cash out threshold to $ 1.5 for upgrades without commission. Free users at $ 2 with 3% commission. ***** Bajamos el umbral del cashout a $1.5 para upgrades sin comision. Los usuarios free a los $2 con el 3% de comision.

Allowed Sites Open Apr 27, 2018

Allowed Sites - Paid To Promote credits from any referrer. For the first Time.Then we will see **** El enlace de pago por promocion (PTP) esta abierto a cualquier referencia. De momento. Luego ya se va viendo.

Anti bot Ads ES Apr 06, 2018

He activado anuncios antitramposos y anti bot. Cuando un sitio empieza a crecer, se hace necesario para evitar abusos. Un bot no reconoce el anuncio trampa, solo los humanos somos capaces de discernirlos. Estar atentos a la hora de visionar los anuncios porque hay uno que dice claramente " DANGER DONT CLICK". Si haceis click sobre ese anuncio el saldo se os va a quedar en cero. Que es lo que le sucede a los que utilizan bots. El bot pica en la trampa y se queda siempre en cero. Luego que nadie diga que no lo he avisado. Un saludo.

Anti bot Ads Eng Apr 06, 2018

I have activated anti-cheat and anti-bot ads. When a site begins to grow, it becomes necessary to avoid abuse. A bot does not recognize the ad trap, only humans are able to discern them. Be attentive when viewing the ads because there is one that clearly says "DANGER DONT CLICK". If you click on that ad the balance will be zero. What happens to those who use bots? The bot catches in the trap and always stays at zero. Then nobody says I have not warned. A greeting.


Site Stats

Members 1,290
New Today 0
Hits Today 884
Online 1
Payouts Made 136
Total Paid $653.00

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